22 October 2010

Cleaning Up The Clutter

I have been doing a lot of talking lately about getting serious. buckling down. being more productive. and really bettering myself (the ultimate goal is to become superwoman, doubtful but it's something to strive for!).....however most days after I get home from work, running errands, the gym and figured out what I can whip up for dinner for the bf and I, and we've sat down and eaten, I'm pretty much down for the count...completely lacking motivation or energy.

But today is Friday and I have the day off work and with no prior obligations but to do what I want to do with my time for the first time in over a month and I am feeling motivated! So I decided that I would take full advantage of my spike in motivation and use it to get my life a bit more organized (quiet a daunting task as I have really let things go lately!).

I started with the alarming amount of notebooks, magazines, mail and paperwork yet to be filed that I have begun to gather in various places around the apartment!

And it didn't take long before I felt like this...

But I stuck with it and with only a few coffee breaks later I ended up with a very neat and orderly filing cabinet, books back on the bookshelf, the dishwasher running, I finally located coupons I've been missing, clean clothes put away and laundry separated and ready for laundry day tomorrow....and it's not even noon yet!! I have a million other things planned for today like a Rite Aid trip, some thrift store digs and some crafty projects so I better get to gettin'!!!

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