09 October 2010

Better Fast Food Choices

       The bf and I make a really solid effort to eat meals at home and brown bag our lunches as much as possible. Not only does this save us money, but it also helps us to eat healthier since our options at home don't include fried foods, greasy chips or soda pop. However, it is inevitable that there are times you will find yourself out and in need of a quick meal or on a road trip where it seems your only option is fast food. I must confess, I actually ate McDonald's just last week.
        Recently I read the article "Glove-Compartment Gourmet" on vocalpoint.com - they offer great tips on how to slim down your fast food orders without sacrificing taste or quantity...and no you don't always have to resort to a salad to watch your fat and calorie intake! Print this out and keep it in your car to reference the next time you find yourself waiting in the drive-thru line.

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