16 September 2010

Ramblings from my Kitchen Sink

I am forever reminded how important it is to try and learn something from each and every experience. We can not grow without reflection, reflection of both other and ourselves. I try to at least once a day step back from myself and try and view things from an outside perspective (normally much easier said than done - and usually attempted while washing dishes, oddly I find it relaxing).

I have found that as I have gotten older (my mom hates me saying that, because I'm still "her baby") I have developed more of my own view points, become slightly more set in my ways and have grown in my own self assurance. Sometimes it is now harder to look at things objectively, to keep my personal opinions, well personal, and to give advise without passing judgement.

I practice patience daily. I have developed many forms of relaxation, coping skills and distraction. I have become hardened in some ways, but am able to more easily disguise my emotions which in my line of work in many ways is nothing more than self preservation.

Step back, take a breath and reflect. The shop keeper may have seemed rude and although you were obviously rushing, the man in the grey suit did not hold the elevator door for you. But remember, you know as little of them as they know of you. Although it may seem like there is no excuse for their behavior, they may have been having a worse day than you can even dream up. We can not control other people, only our reactions towards them.

So chins up, smiles on and think positively. Positive thoughts, whether real or faked eventually yield positive outcomes. You are only as limited as you allow yourself to believe you are.

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